Overview of Course Events
Annual Workshop
Each October you will have the opportunity to attend a workshop at Warwick for all the CDT students, postdocs and members of the supervisor pool. CDT Alumni will be encouraged to return and share their experience. Second and third year CDT students will present posters on their work to date.
Each October you will have the opportunity to attend a workshop at Warwick for all the CDT students, postdocs and members of the supervisor pool. CDT Alumni will be encouraged to return and share their experience. Second and third year CDT students will present posters on their work to date.
Three-day Offsite Retreat
Towards the end of the first year OxWaSP students will attend an annual offsite 2-3 day residential training retreat with a small number of chalk talks each day. There will be no computers and lots of time for reading and open discussion. You will be encouraged to reflect on your work, to think about the year ahead and your aspirations, to consider the really big open questions. You will be assigned to small groups and given two or three papers to read and discuss in your groups. You will then be asked to present your major finding to your peers. Each evening a member of faculty will lead a round table discussion on a high-level topic such as `reproducible research, why bother?’’, or `what’s the use of Statistics if all models are wrong?’’. The retreat is designed to enhance research independence and help develop communication skills and small group working.
Towards the end of the first year OxWaSP students will attend an annual offsite 2-3 day residential training retreat with a small number of chalk talks each day. There will be no computers and lots of time for reading and open discussion. You will be encouraged to reflect on your work, to think about the year ahead and your aspirations, to consider the really big open questions. You will be assigned to small groups and given two or three papers to read and discuss in your groups. You will then be asked to present your major finding to your peers. Each evening a member of faculty will lead a round table discussion on a high-level topic such as `reproducible research, why bother?’’, or `what’s the use of Statistics if all models are wrong?’’. The retreat is designed to enhance research independence and help develop communication skills and small group working.
Amazon Study Trip
In the first half of your second year, students will attend a week-long course at Amazon’s research centre in Berlin. Two senior academics and a senior Amazon researcher will co-design and co-lead an advanced training course on topics in Statistical Machine Learning and Computing for Big-Data Analysis.
In the first half of your second year, students will attend a week-long course at Amazon’s research centre in Berlin. Two senior academics and a senior Amazon researcher will co-design and co-lead an advanced training course on topics in Statistical Machine Learning and Computing for Big-Data Analysis.
Third Year International Exchange Visit
In your third year, subject to satisfactory progress, you may spend 2-3 months abroad, as part of an exchange program with UC Berkeley, Columbia University, University of Washington Seattle, ETH Zurich and the National University Singapore. Full funding for this placement is available within the programme. These universities have strong statistics research with substantial PhD programmes in the CDT area of statistical science for data-intensive applications. Exchange students from participating institutes are also invited to Oxford-Warwick so we anticipate welcoming 10 international students a year. These students will join the CDT cohort providing an enriching experience and new perspectives for all our students and associated faculty.
In your third year, subject to satisfactory progress, you may spend 2-3 months abroad, as part of an exchange program with UC Berkeley, Columbia University, University of Washington Seattle, ETH Zurich and the National University Singapore. Full funding for this placement is available within the programme. These universities have strong statistics research with substantial PhD programmes in the CDT area of statistical science for data-intensive applications. Exchange students from participating institutes are also invited to Oxford-Warwick so we anticipate welcoming 10 international students a year. These students will join the CDT cohort providing an enriching experience and new perspectives for all our students and associated faculty.
Professional Skills Training
Training enhancing employability and team communication, professional ethics, entrepreneurship, creativity.
Industry led courses and visits.
Outreach activities, including visits to secondary schools.
Training enhancing employability and team communication, professional ethics, entrepreneurship, creativity.
Industry led courses and visits.
Outreach activities, including visits to secondary schools.
Second, Third and Fourth Year Research Focus
This is the major focus in Years 2-4. This research training is further supported by the following cohort activities:
1. Workshop and Retreat
3. Conference Presentations
4. Thesis and final viva
This is the major focus in Years 2-4. This research training is further supported by the following cohort activities:
1. Workshop and Retreat
- Present posters at workshop, lead group discussions at Retreat
- Research exchanges to international partners (see above) as well as Industrial secondments and site visits (as required)
3. Conference Presentations
4. Thesis and final viva